nedeľa 23. októbra 2016

WP WHEN DEAD episode #12

WILL THE TRANSFORM OF TYBALT TO LOOK LIKE DEMMI WORK? Influence the story and vote here:
For more info, updates and my ramblings, check out my twitter:

nedeľa 16. októbra 2016

štvrtok 6. októbra 2016

Day #3

I aimed to study and capture the muscle structure of an arm. To be honest, I'm quite satisfied with this result.

streda 5. októbra 2016

Day #2

Feet have always my nemesis, I see that I need to work especially on the toes. But at least now I can grasp the anatomy of the foot.

utorok 4. októbra 2016

Drawing Challenge restart - #1

So I came home today from work, I'm exhausted and tired as hell and then I watched a drawing video. Again one fact caught up to me - If I won't train, I won't get better. So I started some Anthony Jones' video (the man is my primary inspiration in drawing, he's incredible) and started drawing. It's a little therapy and calms me down. 

So I'll try again, each day to draw something and get better. Today is day number 1.