sobota 3. októbra 2015

(S)crappy spec and BWE3

This will be a rant. You've been warned. This is written from the perspective of a person that plays mostly PvE.

I was excited to try Scrapper, even though I suspected that I won't find much use for gyros. And I was right. Sadly.

The thing is, I like the hammer. I've been playing the rifle for 3 years and hammer has much more interesting skills that support active play. This is great.

What surprised me, were quite a long cooldowns on hammer skills (IMHO). If I want to use a build that uses the kits as least as possible, I will be stuck with the autoattack that is quite low. Even for zerker. I've realized this problem right after I tried Reaper, Dragonhunter, Daredevil and Herald. After that I clearly saw how hammer's damage is subpar to their weapons.

Some of you might say, hammer is a tanky weapon, it should have low damage. To you, I say, show me a viable tanky build then. Show me a build where hammer is better than rifle. Because for each existing build, a rifle is better.

There were some deaths caused by the leaps of skill 3, which felt a little bit clunky in the end. (delay in the end of the skill) Also, skill 4 needs to be faster, because it's too slow if you want to react to an attack. If you want it to be effective, you need to predict the attacks. And I'm not a fortune teller.

Oh boy. Just... bad. Every pessimistic expectation was right. They have low HP. They are slow as hell! They have problems with keeping up when you run without any speed. With speed, they have no chance. And don't even get me started on their AI. Forum and reddit are full of complaints about it.

Function gyro is not only suffering from general gyro problems, a lot of time it couldn't be even used for rezzing or stomping. And a combination with stupid and illogical AI made it useless most of the time. Hell, I was able to use it in PvE 2 times in 3 days. New mechanics? Bah, more like no mechanics.

I don't have much to say about traits. They felt solid. Originally I thought that I will make a superspeed build, because I've mistaken superspeed with quickness. My bad. I ended up with an HGH knight build that offered huge survivability but the damage was as I already mentioned subpar.(even with zerker gear) It was a fun to play though in the raid. I was able to sustain my health and help our team's druid with healing and buffs.

Hammer needs a damage boost and some tweaks with skills 3 and 4. Lowering the cooldowns would delight me.

Gyros need to be reworked completely. That nonexistent  and clunky "new mechanics" needs to be replaced with something that will be actually useful. And please, FOR ALL MODES! (But I won't hold my breath for it) Now engis are stuck with the old mechanics, useless utility skills and new weapon with low dmg.

I was able to try the raid, we killed I think 2 of the 3 thrash bosses and then Anet disabled the squads. I am a little bit disappointed that the raids are unavailable but they said, they will look for a way to test it with us. It still was fun, I'm curious about the actual boss.

Daredevil's dodges are much better. I'm still bad at this profession and die easily, but playing it was a lot of fun. Well, I will need to find some good build that would suit me, but it was much less clunky than the previous beta.

Dragonhunter felt much better, less static and I started to like the traps. The DH longbow seems even better to me than the Ranger's longbow. Traps are great but I think that we should still be able to throw them.

Reaper, oh man. Zerker reaper had insane damage and insane survivability. While playing this class, I realized how low Scrapper's damage is. I kid you not, Reaper's damage was maybe even 2-3 times higher than scrapper's. Both specs are close range and yet... I don't know I guess I shouldn't maybe compare them. Anyways, Reaper is AWESOME.

Druid's staff skills are IMHO very situational but I liked it. Not sure, how I think about the glyphs, I liked the celestial form and that the function of glyph skills was reversed while in that form. And new pets, I'm in love with them. Wyverns were great but my favourite is the Smokescale. And that feeling when it was able to kill npc Smokescales with one burst, was just awesome. Revenge! :D

Revenant's shield was much better this BWE. Staff's damage is not that great now. Too bad, I like it the most. But it's an awesome class anyway!

I started to like Tempest. It's actually fun now! Man needs to find a good skill rotation, but it is already required with ele, so no big deal. And yeah, burning, so much burning!

I can't believe what I'm saying, but now Berserker is so much fun! It may be caused by a build I used though. Anyway, I can finally have a good rifle build with war. And the Gun Flame skill is insane, 18K+ dmg minimum. This is what a sniper feels like.

And concerning the canopy, I expected it to be bigger, but it's beautiful still. Maps in HoT will be awesome.

To be honest, I'm not that excited about Scrapper after trying it. New mechanics that will change the way, we play engi? Nonexistent. Funny thing is that with the function gyro, they didn't even think about PvE. No loss. It's useless. With gyros, I won't waste my breath anymore.
Now I can admit that every other spec felt stronger. Let's hope for the best.

The BWE was fun, despite the fact that I caught cold, so I had less time to try things out.

One more thing that comes to my mind: I hope that the story mission, we could try, isn't the first one in the expansion. I hope that we will get some missions that will provide more sensible and meaningful introduction. The mission was great despite this.

Drawing challenge: 93/365 - Rox

Only 20 days until HoT!

štvrtok 1. októbra 2015

Drawing challenge: 91/365 - Skritt therapist

Sorry for the lack of drawing yesterday. I'm still working on the chibi version of Dhuum for Shazbawt. I've never drawn chibi so it takes a lot of time and many concepts were already thrown away during the process.

22 days until HoT! Here is a Skritt therapist ! My GF has the best ideas :)